Sally Cinnamon

19th March

As the self-professed Lady Mayoress of Dublin in Waiting, Sally Cinnamon is a bird with many ideas and high ideals. If musical taste is a valid candidate selection, she's got our vote! As a live DJ she has shifted people from seats to dance floors all over Ireland since 2001, with countless slots at all of Ireland's best festivals and club nights across the country, including long-standing residencies in Dublin clubs Tripod, RíRá and current resident in Izakaya, Tengu & Hang Dai. Sally recently turned her hand to presenting and hosting with the hugely successful Hennessey Sound Lounge where she interviewed Irish artists about their record collection and the music that inspires their art. Some such artists include Davit Kitt, Pillow Queens, Vivienne Dick and BP Fallon. Expect a surprising musical journey at one of Sally's sets. Anything goes and everything makes sense. From Afrobeat to Techno, Dancehall to dubstep. You're guaranteed a shake down!


African Gospel Choir


The Len Collective